Arvid Kraft

                                                                               Photo: Ingeborg Zackariassen



Arvid Kraft’s music departs from two main concepts: beauty and unconventional collaborations. Collaborative creative processes are important to Kraft’s way of working, and can be with everything from other people to generative algorithms/AI, but also abstract things such as philosophical concepts. The interest in beauty derives from a very instinctually based, but not-yet-defined personal ideology. However, deep musical thought, thoroughly considered aesthetic ideals, and trust in instinctual and intuitive thinking, lies at the core of his idea of beauty.

Kraft’s music also touches upon questions regarding odd coalitions, narratives, identity, desire, spirituality and imitation/mutation. In practice, Kraft experiments with these concepts and questions through long forms, live-electronics, textuality and voice theory, in conjunction with musical styles such as chamber music, electroacoustic music and interdisciplinary performance.



Duration: ca 25 min
Concept and performance: Arvid Kraft and Ingeborg Zackariassen

As a duo, Ingeborg Zackariassen and Arvid Kraft are exploring notions of temporality, the impermanence of identity, perception, and consciousness.
Voices and gestures become futile attempts to communicate against a backdrop of eternity. Still, it seems like the only important thing.
To understand.
To be understood.
Borrowed text from Samuel Beckett and Carlo Rovelli becomes a shared vehicle to the two lonely figures, carrying ideas of being/not being, finding an “I”- whatever that may be- in a place and a perspective where time might not exist.


                                                                            Photo: Ingeborg Zackariassen