The title Crunch Crisis plays with the theory of “the big crunch” in which the universe collapses in on itself, unable to keep expanding forever, and the meaning of the word Crisis, a time when a difficult or important decision must be made.

Crisis is our time, it is the point where the important turning point or change is what is needed, and Crunch Crisis becomes a playful, yet tragic collage of our failing attempts to make sense of the world.

The throwing of dice determines the performers’ actions in this prompt-based choreographic piece, which reflects life and questions of free will. 

Performance Transcript from live writing by all performers: 


It sometimes feels like the universe is about to collapse.

It’s like everything turns itself inside out, upside down,

Crunching into a little ball.

Where can we go from there?

What is that place where it’s all merged together? Memories, illusions, dreams and…


When working with systems of chance everything can become very haphazard.

This is true in life and in art. If art reflects life then we are working with a very unpredictable mirror that reflects accurately or in acruatley depending on the observer.


Did you feel it? Or was I the only one?

Didn’t we share the same moment, the same motion at the exact same time?


Were you even there?

How can I solely be the only one
feeling this feeling?

They talk about it on the news

The crisis

Well they can talk can’t they?

It’s kind of an everlasting thing isn’t it?

Sleep on it, think about something else, do something that makes you happy. I AM HAPPY


I will represent the skiing part of this group. I will probably have to slide away, just in case. Maybe, if someone has a lift, they could also come. Let’s see.


After all, is it about getting it or not?


Winning or losing?

Too many questions.

You might feel that you don’t know what to think. Whether to laugh or cry.

Or to be annoyed

That’s fine

Does it matter?

Choices choices choices


Do we?


Can we?


We are what we want. We can’t control what we want…

Can we?


Do you know?


What do you think?

Why do you think it?

It’s all very confusing I think


I seem to only find more questions and fewer and fewer answers…