ingeborg zackariassen


Ingeborg Zackariassen is an artist, performer and co-founder of No Deadline.
In her work, she is moving between -and often combining- the mediums of dance, text and photography.
As a professional dancer for 23 years, employed by Norwegian National Ballet, Skånes Dansteater and GöteborgsOperans Danskompani, she has worked with numerous contemporary choreographers in parallel to which she has been developing her own artistic work.
Ingeborg is currently obtaining an MFA  in Contemporary Performative Arts at GU (2022-2024).
Her current artistic practice focuses on the relationships between physicality and abstraction, language and body, coherence and dissolution.
Ingeborg Zackariassen uses the inherent ephemeral quality of movement to accentuate themes of temporality and transformation.




Duration: ca 25 min
Concept and performance: Ingeborg Zackariassen and Arvid Kraft

As a duo, Ingeborg Zackariassen and Arvid Kraft are exploring notions of temporality, the impermanence of identity, perception, and consciousness.
Voices and gestures become futile attempts to communicate against a backdrop of eternity. Still, it seems like the only important thing.
To understand.
To be understood.
Borrowed text from Samuel Beckett and Carlo Rovelli becomes a shared vehicle to the two lonely figures, carrying ideas of being/not being, finding an “I”- whatever that may be- in a place and a perspective where time might not exist.