This Dust of Words

As a duo, Ingeborg Zackariassen and Arvid Kraft are exploring notions of temporality, the impermanence of identity, perception, and consciousness.

Voices and gestures become futile attempts to communicate against a backdrop of eternity. Still, it seems like the only important thing. To understand. To be understood.

Borrowed text from Samuel Beckett and Carlo Rovelli becomes a shared vehicle to the two lonely figures, carrying ideas of being/not being, finding an “I”- whatever that may be- in a place and a perspective where time might not exist. 

Photos: Ingeborg Zackariassen

Collage- Dialogue, Beckett and Rovelli/ Arvid and Ingeborg



A:   I of whom, I know nothing           I know my eyes are open    


I: Your eyes are open. How do you know?


A: I know my eyes are open because of the tears that pour from them unceasingly    


I: Oh… Your eyes closed for an instant.


A:  my eyes closed.


I: What about the spine?


A:  What about the soles of my feet?


I:  I don’t know         


A: Let’s  move on…     


 I: -this place -of fleeting sounds.   of waves moving through the sea.


A: There’s an example of that in a book about time


I: When one doesn’t know what to say anymore one talks about time


A: In the silence, one doesn’t know the ending is the worst, no, it’s the beginning…


 I: In reality a complex vibration of quantum fields, a momentary interaction of forces, a process that…   for an instant, it maintains its contour, clings to its tenuous balance; vanishing anew into an abyss of particles…


A: dream-silence, filled with mumbling

It’s only words.. These words that… fall down and never move again.