Walk Inside








‘Walk inside’, performance at sockerbruket 27/10-2023

Ingeborg Zackariassen & Melina Bigale
MFA Contemporary Performative Arts/Kulturnatta/ 3:e Våningen/Gibca Extended







Melina Bigale and Ingeborg Zackariassen occupy the area outside 3:e Våningen/Sockerbruket, reclaiming the public space. Using their artistic practices of writing and drawing, they invite the audience to walk into a performative, slightly absurd situation. Bigale and Zackariassen combine observations of the environment and movements around them with their own inner landscapes. The audience and other passers-by become part of their stories, and through the artists inserting their individual digressions and fragments of fiction, a microcosm is created, leaving invisible doors open for an array of new narratives. 

Score for ´Walk inside´

– a parking installation with and by Melina Bigale and Ingeborg Zackariassen (180 min)


Ouverture (5 min)

Mode: Arrival.

We are arriving at the 30-min parking space outside Sockerbruket.

Tasks: We are spreading the paper. Building a little stand for the lantern. Placing the lantern. Turning on the light. Preparing the pens.

Part I: Location (25 min)

Mode: Silent communication.

Task: Writing/drawing improvisation.

Theme: Location.

Un-park and re-park (2 min)

Part II: People (30 min)

Mode: Observation.

Task: Writing/drawing improvisation.

Theme: People.

Un-park and re-park (2 min)


Intermission (15 min)

Part III: Time (13 min)

Mode: Spatial choreographic composition on the paper.

Task: Physical improvisation.

Theme: Time.


Un-park and re-park (2 min)

Part IV: The Subconscious (30 min)

Mode: Meditation.

Task: Flow.

Theme: The Subconscious.

Un-park and re-park (2 min)

Part V: Nature (30 min)

Mode: Internal.

Task: Fill.

Theme: Nature.

Un-park and re-park (2 min)

Part VI: Connections (20 min)

Mode: Recap.

Task: Finding connections.

Theme: Connections.

Finale (2 min)

Mode: Wrapping things up.

Task: Pack up paper, bricks, pens and lantern.
