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Video: Tomas Hulenvik


is an interdisciplinary art festival at Scen 46, facilitated by No Deadline.

The festival is shown in connection with GIBCA Extended 2023, and is supported by Göteborgs Stad. 

During this two-day performative feast, dance, music, visual arts, and poetry will co-exist, creating an art symbiosis of different shapes and forms under the same roof.

Contemporary artists from different art fields will come together to break the borders between art forms and celebrate what we all have in common.

We aim to challenge categorization and constraints. In this time where art is under attack; where freedom of expression is put into question, we want to make a stand.

Perhaps through sharing our artistic practices we may realise the existence of something more profound, something more uniting…

RABBIT/DUCK wants to inspire and challenge our perception, our ways of seeing and experiencing the world. 

A small glimpse behind the scenes of Rabbit/Duck 2023
Video made by Guest Platform